Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (2025)


Gearing an Elemental Shaman

Welcome to our Gearing Page for Elemental Shaman. Thissection will cover everything you need to know about equipping your charactercorrectly.

If you have a new piece of gear for which you need gems and enchant advice,you can find everything on our dedicated page below.

Elemental Shaman Enchants and Gems


The Importance of "Simming Yourself"

At this stage in the game, there are so many variables and layers ofoptimization that you can apply to your character that there is no way for aguide or anything else to tell you exactly what gear you should wear. This iswhy we always recommend simulating your own character using Raidbots.The website can help you choose set bonuses, trinkets, and combinationsin a way tailored completely to your specific character. Learning touse this tool is essential to maximizing your potential, as there is simply noother way to consider all the variables.


Evaluating Upgrades

The easiest way, and also the method we suggest, to compare multiple itemsis to use Raidbots' Top Gear.Here, you can input an export from theSimcraft AddOn,select the items to compare, and it will find out which of the items arebest.



Many people overthink the distribution of their secondarystats. An important thing to remember is that a higher quantity of statsis nearly always better than a better quality of stats. Because of this,wearing higher item-level gear with worse stats tends to be better than loweritem-level gear with great stats. Keep this in mind when considering gear. Formore stats information, please refer to our dedicated page.

Elemental Shaman Stats


Disclaimer regarding BiS lists

We only provide "Best in Slot" lists as a mandatory requirement stemming fromcertain guilds and players thinking they absolutely need to mindlessly chase thatone item in that one slot and nothing else will do. Sometimes,raid leaders enforce a very strict "BiS list" for loot council withoutany nuance; other times, it is players themselves enforcing it on themselves.


BiS Gear for Elemental Shaman

Overall BiS ListNerub-ar Palace BiS ListMythic+ only BiS List

This list contains items available from the raid, mythic+ as well as crafted items.

WeaponElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (1) Everforged Dagger with Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (2) Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacityor Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (3) Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension (if using the latter you want Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (4) Writhing Armor Bandingas your other embellishment)Crafted embellished item with Blacksmithing
Off HandElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (5) Crest of the Caustic DespotQueen Ansurek in Nerub-ar Palace
HelmElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (6) Final Meal's HornsUlgrax the Devourer in Nerub-ar Palace
NeckElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (7) Sureki Zealot's InsigniaSikran in Nerub-ar Palace
Neck alternativeElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (8) Amulet of Earthen Craftsmanship with Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (9) Elemental Focusing LensCrafted embellished item with Jewelcrafting
ShoulderElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (10) Concourse of the Forgotten ReservoirRasha'nan in Nerub-ar Palace
CloakElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (11) Wings of Shattered SorrowRasha'nan in Nerub-ar Palace
ChestElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (12) Vestments of the Forgotten ReservoirBroodtwister Ovi'nax in Nerub-ar Palace
BracersElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (13) Ky'veza's Covert ClaspsNexus Princess Ky'veza in Nerub-ar Palace
GlovesElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (14) Covenant of the Forgotten ReservoirSikran in Nerub-ar Palace
BeltElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (15) Lost Watcher's RemainsThe Bloodbound Horror in Nerub-ar Palace
LegsElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (16) Sarong of the Forgotten ReservoirNexus Princess Ky'veza in Nerub-ar Palace
BootsElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (17) Red Scale BootsGrim Batol
Ring #1Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (18) Band of the Ancient DredgerSiege of Boralus
Ring #1 alternativeElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (19) Seal of the Poisoned PactQueen Ansurek in Nerub-ar Palace
Ring #2Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (20) Stitchflesh's Misplaced Signet The Necrotic Wake
Trinket #1Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (21) Ara-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
Trinket #2Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (22) Spymaster's WebSilken Court in Nerub-ar Palace


Raid only BiS List for Elemental Shaman

This list contains ONLY items from the Nerub-ar Palace raid.

WeaponElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (23) Sovereign's DisdainQueen Ansurek
Off HandElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (24) Crest of the Caustic DespotQueen Ansurek
HelmElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (25) Final Meal's HornsUlgrax the Devourer
NeckElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (26) Sureki Zealot's Insignia (Very Rare)Sikran
Neck alternative Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (27) Locket of Broken MemoriesRasha'nan
ShoulderElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (28) Concourse of the Forgotten ReservoirRasha'nan
CloakElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (29) Wings of Shattered SorrowRasha'nan
ChestElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (30) Vestments of the Forgotten ReservoirBroodtwister Ovi'nax
BracersElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (31) Ky'veza's Covert ClaspsNexus Princess Ky'veza
GlovesElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (32) Covenant of the Forgotten ReservoirSikran
BeltElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (33) Lost Watcher's RemainsThe Bloodbound Horror
LegsElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (34) Sarong of the Forgotten ReservoirNexus Princess Ky'veza in Nerub-ar Palace
BootsElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (35) Rasha'nan's Grotesque TalonsRasha'nan
Ring #1Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (36) Seal of the Poisoned Pact (Very Rare)Queen Ansurek
Ring #2Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (37) Key to the Unseeming The Bloodbound Horror
Trinket #1Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (38) Ovi'nax's Mercurial EggBroodtwister Ovi'nax
Trinket #2Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (39) Spymaster's WebSilken Court in Nerub-ar Palace


Mythic+ only BiS List for Elemental Shaman

This list contains ONLY items available in Mythic+ dungeons in Season 1.

WeaponElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (40) Unceremonious BloodletterAra-Kara, City of Echoes
Off HandElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (41) Encrusted Canopic LidThe Necrotic Wake
HelmElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (42) Wildhammer Riding HelmGrim Batol
NeckElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (43) 'Emergency Stop' KeychainThe Stonevault
ShoulderElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (44) Hook-Barbed SpauldersSiege of Boralus
CloakElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (45) Anvilhide CapeThe Stonevault
ChestElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (46) Goliath's Chitinous ChainmailThe Dawnbreaker
BracersElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (47) Dread Captain's IronsSiege of Boralus
GlovesElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (48) Claws of Tainted IchorAra-Kara, City of Echoes
BeltElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (49) Anchor Chain GirdleSiege of Boralus
LegsElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (50) Entwined Chimeric LegguardsCity of Threads
BootsElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (51) Red Scale BootsGrim Batol
Ring #1Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (52) Band of the Ancient DredgerSiege of Boralus
Ring #2Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (53) Stitchflesh's Misplaced Signet The Necrotic Wake
Trinket #1Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (54) Ara-Kara SacbroodAra-Kara, City of Echoes
Trinket #2Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (55) Unbound ChangelingMists of Tirna Scithe

Static Best in Slot lists are only an indicative tool in a vacuum; we recommendusing the following tools: Raidbots TopGear and its Droptimizeroptions.


Best Trinkets for Elemental Shaman in The War Within Season 1

Raiding Trinket Tier ListMythic+ Trinket Tier List


Raiding Trinket Tier List for Elemental Shaman

This Trinket Tier List is single-target biased, as this tends to be the most important aspect of Raiding. When Trinkets are equal on single-target, I will "break the tie" by looking into which Trinket performs better in AoE/mixed scenarios.



  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (56) Spymaster's Web — slow build-up but very strong despite elemental not beingreally able to capitalize on the burst it offers on use.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (57) Ara-Kara Sacbrood
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (58) Gale of Shadows — is much like Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (59) Ara-Kara Sacbrood except instead ofhaving some ebb and flow, it stacks up and stays at maximum value, though it is weakon pull.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (60) Unbound Changeling — should be very good if we can always get Haste, butsince there are no specific secondary food buffs, this might end up much worse
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (61) Aberrant Spellforge — lines up quite well with our effective Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (62) Primordial Waveif we can freecast, you will want to use it (short off-GCD cast time) right afterusing an instant spell (for example, Primordial Wave). Does have some ramp time, however.



  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (63) Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg — actually makes you WANT to move, but is excellenteven if you do not.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (64) Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (65) Hadal's Nautilus
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (66) Treacherous Transmitter — the semi-random positional requirementscan make it occasionally annoying, despite very strong stats.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (67) Satchel of Misbegotten Minions — almost the same trinket has Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (68) Hadal's Nautilusfunctionally, but with slower rppm, and gains some value in adds that appear regularly.



  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (69) Mad Queen's Mandate — very unique effect that can be extremely useful.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (70) Harvester's Edict — in practice you can consider it a 50/50% chanceto get either effect since it is difficult and often impossible to control it
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (71) Shadow-Binding Ritual Knife — solid on-use trinkets, but masteryis bad and we have bad burst
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (72) Concoction: Kiss of Death — solid on-use trinket that shines whenthere is a particular phases where you need prolonged burst. Beware the effect howeveras it is quite easy to forget about it because of its long duration and end up stunnedfor 5 seconds... The buff also shows up as dispellable by healers.



  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (73) Quickwick Candlestick — looks neat but the numbers on the use are notquite there in practice, however the bonus movement speed is quite nice to have.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (74) Everburning Lantern — is not as awful as it looks but is still quite bad.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (75) Kaheti Shadeweaver's Emblem — is horrid for short content but usable in raids.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (76) Unstable Power Suit Core — is a functionally a stat stick that getsbetter or worse randomly. Overall mediocre regardless.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (77) Mereldar's Toll — is an okay raid trinket, especially if the bitof damage reduction helps.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (78) Forged Gladiator's Insignia of Alacrity — has too low numbers.



  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (79) High Speaker's Accretion — Mastery and a slow albeit powerful damageeffect that is not split. Terrible in single-target and somehow also bad in AoE.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (80) Cirral Concoctory — does not let you decide who or when it procsor even which of its several procs will occur. Potentially good but very unreliable.
  • Every other trinket not mentioned belongs here or is not available at high enoughitem level to be relevant past heroic dungeons.


Mythic+ Trinket Tier List for Elemental Shaman

This Trinket Tier List is AoE-biased for Mythic+, as this tends to be the most important aspect of Mythic+.



  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (81) Spymaster's Web — slow build-up but very strong despite elemental not beingreally able to capitalize on the burst it offers on use. Provides extremely powerfulburst AoE when loaded.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (82) Ara-Kara Sacbrood
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (83) Gale of Shadows — is much like Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (84) Ara-Kara Sacbrood except instead ofhaving some ebb and flow, it stacks up and stays at maximum value, though it is weakon pull.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (85) Unbound Changeling — should be very good if we can always get Haste, butsince there are no specific secondary food buffs, this might end up much worse
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (86) Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj



  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (87) Quickwick Candlestick — is solid for AoE especially if you canmake use of the movement speed.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (88) Shadow-Binding Ritual Knife — solid on-use trinkets, but masteryis bad and we have bad burst
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (89) Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg — actually makes you WANT to move, but is excellenteven if you do not.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (90) Concoction: Kiss of Death — solid on-use trinket that shines whenthere is a particular phases where you need prolonged burst. Beware the effect howeveras it is quite easy to forget about it because of its long duration and end up stunnedfor 5 seconds... The buff also shows up as dispellable by healers.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (91) Unstable Power Suit Core — is a functionally a stat stick that getsbetter or worse randomly. Overall solid for AoE.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (92) Hadal's Nautilus
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (93) Satchel of Misbegotten Minions — almost the same trinket has Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (94) Hadal's Nautilusfunctionally, but with slower rpm.



  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (95) Forged Gladiator's Insignia of Alacrity — just okay in AoE if barely.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (96) Treacherous Transmitter — the semi-random positional requirementscan make it annoying despite strong stats.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (97) Harvester's Edict — in practice you can consider it a 50/50% chanceto get either effect since it is difficult and often impossible to control it
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (98) Aberrant Spellforge — lines up quite well with our effective Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (99) Primordial Waveif we can freecast, you will want to use it (short off-GCD cast time) right afterusing an instant spell (for example, Primordial Wave). Does have some ramp time, however.



  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (100) Cirral Concoctory — does not let you decide who or when it procsor even which of its several procs will occur. Potentially good but very unreliable.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (101) Mereldar's Toll



  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (102) Mad Queen's Mandate — undertuned but potentially useful to nukepriority targets.
  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (103) High Speaker's Accretion — Mastery and a slow albeit powerful damageeffect that is not split. Terrible in single-target and somehow also bad in AoE.
  • Every other trinket not mentioned belongs here or is not available at high enoughitem level to be relevant past heroic dungeons.


The Great Vault

This weekly loot system remains much the same. You can select ONE item outof a maximum pool of 9, depending on how many raid bosses you defeated, yourDungeon clears and how many Delves and Weekly World Quest you accomplished in theprevious week.

You can learn more about this system on our dedicated Great Vaultpage.


Best Gear Crest Upgrades for Elemental Shaman

You will be able to upgrade your items via Crests such asElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (104) Gilded Harbinger Crest. Once you have upgraded a slot to a certain itemlevel, upgrading other items of that slot to that item level is free.

When you upgrade with Crests, you should think of it as upgrading slots and not items.

Additionally, since Crests are a limited resource, you will want to obtainthe highest item-level possible before upgrading a given slot,as this means you will spend fewer Crests on that slot in total. If you are atall capable of doing a +9 Dungeon, for example, it would be a VERY bad idea toupgrade an item from a +8 Dungeon, as those are wasted Crests you may not get back for a very long time.

We see a ton of players, even at a high level, mess up their upgrade priorities, and upgrading prematurely.Getting this right will put you far ahead of most players.

Below is the slot priority you should upgrade your items in. If you ever want to deviate from this, you should have a very good reason.

  1. Weapons
  2. Trinkets
  3. Helm/Chest/Legs
  4. Shoulders/Gloves/Belt/Boots
  5. Rings and Necks
  6. Cloaks and Bracers

Note that exceptions are possible, such as special items that have more Item Levelscaling than their slot would imply.


Best Items to Upgrade for Elemental Shaman in The War Within

Unsurprisingly, you should sim your character to determine which upgrades givethe most bang for your buck at any point in time. Beyond that, you generally wantto maximize your weapon, then your trinkets, then whatever slot is your worst, andafter that, it is generally best to upgrade the slots that give the most stats,with a lower priority on whatever has the best secondaries but maximizingIntellect remains the best way to gain DPS.


What to Craft as an Elemental Shaman in The War Within?

What you should craft in our opinion largely depends on what items you obtain,what items you will likely have available to you from various content, if you willget priority on certain items, and generally whether you want to optimize for theshort or medium term. Take our advice with a grain of salt and adapt to your particularcircumstances.

Note that with the "secret" quest from winning one epic battleground, you receiveenough Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (105) Forged Gladiator's Heraldry to craft up to 3 pieces, and can get morefrom Conquest points. This allows you to craft up to 610 item level missive items,which DO NOT REQUIRE SPARKS. This is an excellent source of "filler" items once youalready have some gear. They will remain at 610 and are not further upgradable however,making them ideal for "temporary" boosts on slots you hope to get a stronger item forin the next few weeks.

Overall, unless you got or will have priority for a high item level Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (106) Sureki Zealot's Insignia(very rare), we recommend getting an Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (107) Amulet of Earthen Craftsmanship craftedwith Jewelcrafting, with Haste, Critical Strike, and an Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (108) Elemental Focusing Lensembellishment.

Your second craft should be one of those two:

  • Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (109) Everforged Dagger crafted with Blacksmithing, with Haste,Critical Strike and a Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (110) Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity embellishment. If you go for thisand you will have access to enough Gilded Harbinger Crests, we recommend you save theseto craft this as soon as possible. This will be EXPENSIVE. If you got a great weaponfrom vault or heroic/mythic raid, you may want to look to other options and craft thislater, if at all.
  • a Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (111) Consecrated Cloak crafted with Tailoring with Haste, CriticalStrike and either Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (112) Dawnthread Lining or Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (113) Duskthread Lining as embellishment.
  • If you will not do much Mythic+, it is not unreasonable to craft a Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (114) Ring of Earthen Craftsmanshipwith Jewelcrafting, with Haste, Critical Strike and an Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (115) Elemental Focusing Lens.


Best Embellishments for Elemental Shaman

Embellishments are significantly weaker in The War Within compared to Dragonflight.As long as you get "something", it makes only a small difference what embellishmentyou get, so especially early on I would recommend against expensive ones.

Our current generic recommendation is to either get Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (116) Elemental Focusing Lens onyour Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (117) Amulet of Earthen Craftsmanship and either Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (118) Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacityon your Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (119) Everforged Dagger if you go that route, or either Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (120) Elemental Focusing Lens,Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (121) Dawnthread Lining or Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (122) Duskthread Lining on your Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (123) Consecrated Cloakor Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (124) Ring of Earthen Craftsmanship, depending on what you craft. These lastembellishments remain what we recommend if you decide to craft something else.

Note that the best embellishments from a pure DPS perspective for raiding only,assuming the start of the fight is not the key part, is using Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (125) Darkmoon Sigil: Ascensionon aElemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (126) Everforged Dagger and a Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (127) Writhing Armor Banding on an armor piece.This is the best long-term DPS gain you get from embellishment, but it takes a long timeto stack and drops entirely if you spend more than a few seconds out of combat.


Best Weapons for Elemental Shaman

The only special weapons in The War Within are crafted with Blacksmithingbut they are not worth the bother, you just want regular weapons instead (with Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (128) Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacityif crafted). It is important to equip a one-hander and a shield, as opposed to a staff,because Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (129) Thunderstrike Ward is quite strong.


Best Professions for Elemental Shaman

While professions do not generally give player power, there are possibleexceptions in some circumstances. Suppose you want to min/max your player powerin all possible situations. In that case, you should be an Alchemist and an Engineer. Notethat the actual uses of their unique bonuses are highly conditional and, for the mostpart, should not dictate your profession choice.



  • 01 Oct. 2024: Added neck, ring and weapon embellishment alternatives on the overall BiS list.
  • 16 Sep. 2024: Added more detailed information on crafting and embellishments. Adjusted trinket recommendations, added more trinkets. Adjusted Mythic+ only Shoulder recommendation.
  • 13 Sep. 2024: Removed Pre-Season BiS list.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Reorganized the page, added 3 different BiS lists, updated for The War Within Season 1, adjusted embellishment recommendations.
  • 30 Aug. 2024: Adjusted BiS list to clarify stats on Helm and that Sacbrood is our best trinket. Adjusted trinket and embellishment recommendations.
  • 28 Aug. 2024: Updated embellishment and trinket recommendations.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within's Pre-Season.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within pre-patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 30 Apr. 2024: Adjusted trinket recommendations.
  • 29 Apr. 2024: Added Vakash to Bullion section.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Added a section on Antiquated Bronze Bullions, updated all BiS sections, Tier Set, Crafting, Gear Upgrade, Weapons, Trinkets, Jewelry and Embellishment sections.
  • 17 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 25 Nov. 2023: Put Legguards of Sansok Khan in overall BiS. Adjusted Trinket recommendations, added disclaimer regarding Balefire Branch. Reworded Lariat's description, fixed Mythic+ BiS list origins and removed a couple items that are not in the season 3 version of the dungeon.
  • 22 Nov. 2023: Added Witherrot Tome to embellishment recommendation.
  • 11 Nov. 2023: Adjusted general trinket recommendations. Adjustments to embellishment recommendations.
  • 07 Nov. 2023: Fixed bis, crafting and embellishment recommendation after Sporecloak got nerfed into oblivion.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Removed Dawn of the Infinite and Onyx annulet sections, added an additional paragraph regarding secondary stats, added a section on crafting priority, overhauled embellishment section, updated all BiS lists for 10.2 and added an additional disclaimer, updated weapon, jewelry and trinket sections for 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Removed Cataclysm Timewalking section, added BiS gear lists, added Bloodmallet trinket sims.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Added Dawn of the Infinite section, and added relevant items to the Weapons/Trinkets sections. Removed a warning about trinket hotfixes.
  • 24 May 2023: Fixed a couple BiS weapon recommendation, added temporary recommendation for Timewalking trinkets, updated some trinket rankings.
  • 09 May 2023: Fixed swapped out ring descriptions, added a reminder about Alchemical Flavor Pocket, updated trinket list to reflect recent changes
  • 06 May 2023: Updated recommended weapons and trinkets following the latest changes. Removed outdated paragraph on the Eranog ring. Updated Onyx annulet section to recommend it for fresh characters.
  • 02 May 2023: Updated recommended embellishments and trinkets, added recommendation on what to craft first, updated which tier piece to skip.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated section about Onyx Annulets and added information on its viability in Season 2, added a section on Gear Upgrades in Season 2, updated the recommended trinkets and weapons list and the jewelry and embellishment sections. Updated the Tier Set Section with the T30 set.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Added a section about Onyx Annulets.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Updated trinket section, updated info on Voidmender's Shadowgem.
  • 29 Dec. 2022: Updated embellishment section.
  • 21 Dec. 2022: Updated trinket & jewelry sections.
  • 13 Dec. 2022: Added a couple trinkets to the trinket section, updated the section about Elemental Lariat.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1 launch.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.

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Elemental Shaman DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (2025)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.