Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (2025)

Last updated on Sep 09, 2024 at 18:00by Bicepspump47 comments

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On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items for yourFrost Death Knight in World of Warcraft The War Within (Season 1).


BiS Gear Guide for Frost Death Knight

Welcome to our Gear and BiS Page for Frost Death Knight forThe War Within Season 1. Check this page to learn everythingyou need to know about gearing a Frost Death Knight, including theBiS Gear from allsources, Raiding, and Mythic+, information on the best Trinkets, Tier Sets, andmuch more.

We have three BiS lists below, each detailing the best gear you can obtainfrom a specific source. We have the overall list, a raid-only one, and, finally, a mythic+-only list. They are all optimised to give you the highest single targetDPS. The various builds we run have very similar stat and trinket priorities andwill run the same set of gear. The real change is 2H builds running a differentweapon, of course; we include that as well in the lists..


BiS Gear for Frost Death Knight

Overall BiS ListMythic+ Gear BiS ListRaid Gear BiS List


Overall BiS List for Frost Death Knight

Below, you will find the theoretical BiS set of gear for The War Within Season 1.

SlotItemBoss/ Dungeon/ Source
HelmFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (1) Wrathbark GreathelmMists of Tirna Scithe
NeckFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (2) Trailspinner PendantMists of Tirna Scithe
ShoulderFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (3) Exhumed Centurion's SpikesRasha'nan
CloakFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (4) Wings of Shattered SorrowRasha'nan
ChestFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (5) Exhumed Centurion's BreastplateBroodtwister Ovi'nax
BracersFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (6) Everforged Vambraces (Crit Mastery) with Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (7) Writhing Armor BandingBlacksmithing
GlovesFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (8) Exhumed Centurion's GauntletsSikran
BeltFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (9) Crystal-Fissure GirdleThe Stonevault
LegsFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (10) Exhumed Centurion's ChaussesNexus Princess Ky'veza
BootsFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (11) Ballast SinkersSiege of Boralus
Ring #1Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (12) Seal of the Poisoned PactQueen Ansurek
Ring #2Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (13) Seal of the City WatchSiege of Boralus
Trinket #1Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (14) Mark of KhardrosGrim Batol
Trinket #2Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (15) Ara-Kara Sacbrood (Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (16) Treacherous Transmitter for non-Breath builds)Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
Mainhand WeaponFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (17) Ansurek's Final JudgmentQueen Ansurek
Offhand WeaponFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (18) Charged Slicer (Crit Mastery) with Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (19) Darkmoon Sigil: AscensionBlacksmithing
2H WeaponFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (20) Charged Claymore (Crit Mastery) with Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (21) Darkmoon Sigil: AscensionBlacksmithing


Mythic+ Gear BiS List for Frost Death Knight

This list contains the highest DPS setup, with farmable gear from Mythic+ Dungeons.This is a great place to start on a relatively new character, as you can infinitelygrind out these items from Mythic+.

SlotItemBoss/ Dungeon/ Source
HelmFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (22) Wrathbark GreathelmMists of Tirna Scithe
NeckFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (23) Trailspinner PendantMists of Tirna Scithe
ShoulderFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (24) Vile Butcher's PauldronsThe Necrotic Wake
CloakFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (25) Troggstitched DrapeGrim Batol
ChestFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (26) Dark Priest's CarapaceThe Dawnbreaker
BracersFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (27) Bracers of Umbral MendingGrim Batol
GlovesFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (28) Fogweaver GauntletsMists of Tirna Scithe
BeltFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (29) Crystal-Fissure GirdleThe Stonevault
LegsFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (30) Legplates of Unholy FrenzyThe Necrotic Wake
BootsFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (31) Ichor-Stained SolleretsCity of Threads
Ring #1Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (32) Devout Zealot's RingThe Dawnbreaker
Ring #2Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (33) Umbriss BandGrim Batol
Trinket #1Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (34) Mark of KhardrosGrim Batol
Trinket #2Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (35) Ara-Kara Sacbrood (Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (36) Skarmorak Shard for non-Breath builds)Ara-Kara, City of Echoes
Mainhand WeaponFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (37) Saber of Dread Pirate LockwoodSiege of Boralus
Offhand WeaponFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (38) Shipwrecker's BludgeonThe Dawnbreaker
2H WeaponFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (39) Surgical HeartstopperCity of Threads

This list contains the highest DPS setup, only using gear from the Nerub-ar Palace Raid.

This list is mostly useful for informing your organized guild of what loot is optimal for you for loot distribution purposes.

SlotItemBoss/ Dungeon/ Source
HelmFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (40) Visor of the Ascended CaptainSikran
NeckFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (41) Locket of Broken MemoriesRasha'nan
ShoulderFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (42) Exhumed Centurion's SpikesRasha'nan
CloakFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (43) Royal Emblem of Nerub-arUlgrax the Devourer
ChestFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (44) Exhumed Centurion's BreastplateBroodtwister Ovi'nax
BracersFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (45) Devoted Offering's IronsQueen Ansurek
GlovesFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (46) Exhumed Centurion's GauntletsSikran
BeltFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (47) Nether Bounty's GreatbeltNexus Princess Ky'veza
LegsFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (48) Exhumed Centurion's ChaussesNexus Princess Ky'veza
BootsFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (49) Shattershell GreavesSilken Court
Ring #1Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (50) Seal of the Poisoned PactQueen Ansurek
Ring #2Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (51) Writhing RingwormBroodtwister Ovi'nax
Trinket #1Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (52) Skyterror's Corrosive OrganRasha'nan
Trinket #2Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (53) Treacherous TransmitterNexus Princess Ky'veza
Mainhand WeaponFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (54) Ansurek's Final JudgmentQueen Ansurek
Offhand WeaponFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (55) Ansurek's Final JudgmentQueen Ansurek
2H WeaponFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (56) Anub'arash's Colossal MandibleThe Silken Court


Gearing a Frost Death Knight

If you have a new piece of gear for which you need gems and enchant advice,you can find everything on our dedicated page below.

Frost DK Enchants and Gems

While gearing up, item level will be your primary target. Strength isour best stat, and you shouldn't focus too much on your secondaries at first.Once you start to receive gear pieces with the same ilvl but different stats,that is when you want to start optimizing your stat distribution. Generally,Frost Death Knights want to prioritize Crit and Mastery! We recommendsimming your character to determine what upgrade is best for you! For a moredetailed explanation, you can read the Simulations page.

Frost DK Simulations

Simming your character is far and beyond the best way to determine if apiece of gear is, in fact, an upgrade. The trick is knowing how to do it in away that produces reliable results. If you follow the Simulations guide page,you can use this to have a more practical gearing guide than simply followinga BiS list.


Frost Death Knight Gear Upgrades in The War Within

The War Within has a powerful upgrade system for your gear where you use Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (57) Valorstonesand Crests to upgrade your gear. These are obtainable from practicallyall forms of content in the game.

For more information on the new Gear Upgrades system, check out our dedicated page for it below.

The War Within Gear Upgrade System


Season 1 Tier Set for Frost Death Knight

You only need 4 pieces out of 5 to get both set bonuses. We recommend youget all items except for the Head, due to its Versatility.Check out the BiS List for more information.


Notable Crafted Gear

Frost wants to run one Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (58) Charged Slicer in your offhand with Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (59) Darkmoon Sigil: Ascensionembellishment. You then combine this with Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (60) Writhing Armor Banding on yourcrafted Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (61) Everforged Vambraces for your two embellishments. Your weaponis a great choice to craft at a high ilvl early. You can start off with it onyour mainhand slot before you manage to obtain another weapon at a higher ilvl, atwhich point you move the crafted weapon to the offhand. For 2H builds, craft Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (62) Charged Claymoreas your first craft. Notably, it does not matter which type the weapon is; axe,sword, polearm, mace, etc all work! Simply make sure you select the right type(1-hand or 2-hand) and that the weapon has strength. You get an earlyheroic crest upgrade early that you can use for free for the weapon, which is greatvalue.

If your focus is purely on Mythic+, we recommend crafting oneFrost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (63) Dawnthread Lining (cloak or wrist) and one Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (64) Blessed Weapon Grip for your crafted weapon.If you want more early power, choose higher stat items like your non-tier piece or bootsfor your Dawnthread Lining.

Crafting double Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (65) Charged Slicer with Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (66) Darkmoon Sigil: Ascensionis a viable alternative for progression. It gives a strong early power spike thatcan be useful if you clear the raid rather quickly.

When it comes to your other crafted slots, we are only wearing two crafteditems in our BiS setup (due to the ilvl loss). Use crafting as a wayof "filling in the gaps" in your gear, trying to find the best value upgradein a slot where you already do not have a good piece. Sim yourself to findthe best option for you!


Best Items to Upgrade for Frost Death Knight in The War Within

There are three primary items to upgrade as a Frost Death Knight:

  1. Weapon
  2. Trinket
  3. Head/ Chest/ Legs

With how the upgrade system works with Crests being the limited currency,you want to upgrade the most powerful slots you can. For Frost Death Knights, this will be your weapon of choice. The weapon is already great crest value, as wellas providing one of our embellishments in the BiS setup. After you have crafted yourweapon, upgrade your second one (if dual-wielding) or move on to trinkets and high-statslot items like Legs, Helm, Chest, etc.

Your second crafted item will be a cloak with Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (67) Writhing Armor Banding.These are generally not worth spending crests on to upgrade since the embellishmenteffect does not scale with ilvl, and the cloak is the worst stat piece in general.


Overall Top Trinkets

Frost aims to use one on-use Trinket as well as one passive one. In The War Within Season 1,our best on-use is Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (68) Mark of Khardros, closely tied with Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (69) Treacherous Transmitter.We recommend Mark of Khardros since it does not require the extra effort of makingTransmitter work by playing the little minigame when you use the Trinket. DW Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (70) Obliterationcan run double on-use builds with Mark of Khardros and Treacherous Transmitter (or Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (71) Skarmorak Shard) beingthe best combination. In this situation, use the Transmitter on pull and delay your secondTrinket by one pillar window, using it at 45 seconds and 2min 15 seconds.For passives, Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (72) Ara-Kara Sacbrood is the best followed by Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (73) Skyterror's Corrosive Organ.


Best Trinkets for Frost Death Knight in The War Within Season 1

Raiding Trinket Tier ListMythic+ Trinket Tier List


Raiding Trinket Tier List for Frost Death Knight

This Trinket Tier List is single-target biased, as this tends to be the mostimportant aspect of Raiding. Other aspects of the trinkets are also baked into therankings, such as their ease of use.



  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (74) Mark of Khardros — Great 1.5min trinket that ends up being thebest Trinket when considering ease of use. Use every 1.5min with DW Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (75) Obliterationbuilds, every 2min 15sec with Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (76) Breath of Sindragosa builds.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (77) Treacherous Transmitter — Technically best on-use trinket but withan extra minigame attached to it.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (78) Ara-Kara Sacbrood — Best passive trinket.



  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (79) Skyterror's Corrosive Organ — Raw damage trinket that works wellas a passive option. Simply desync with your on-use stat trinket.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (80) Skarmorak Shard — Very similar to Mark of Khadros in pure SingleTarget but with an added bonus of gaining Mastery when enemies die. Works reallywell on any AoE fight.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (81) Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg — A passive trinket with an attached minigame,allowing you to control whether or not you gain primary stat or your highest secondarystat. Works well in situations where you can maximise the stat gain by sitting on20 main stat stacks and 10 secondary stacks. Does lose some power in real scenarios.



  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (82) Spare Meat Hook — Solid raw damage on-use working well as a passivetrinket.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (83) Void Pactstone — Raw damage trinket that does not quite doenough to beat out our good stat passive trinkets.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (84) Sikran's Endless Arsenal — Primarily a tank trinket that stilldoes okay damage for us.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (85) Mad Queen's Mandate — Raw damage on-use that does okay damage.



  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (86) Overclocked Gear-a-Rang Launcher


Mythic+ Trinket Tier List for Frost Death Knight

This Trinket Tier List is more AoE focused as Mythic+ values AoE damage significantlymore. We still look for a good balance between Single Target and AoE though! Youcan either choose to run one active and one passive or run double active tohave a trinket up for every Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (87) Pillar of Frost window!



  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (88) Skarmorak Shard — Paired with every second pillar (or thirdwith Breath), this Trinket gains extra value in Mythic+ due to the Mastery gainedon enemy death.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (89) Ara-Kara Sacbrood — Best passive trinket.



  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (90) Mark of Khardros — Great 1.5min trinket trinketwhich is easy to use. Use every 1.5min with DW Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (91) Obliterationbuilds, every 2min 15sec with Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (92) Breath of Sindragosa builds. Can be combinedwith Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (93) Skarmorak Shard to gain an on-use trinket every single Pillar window.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (94) Treacherous Transmitter — Really powerful on-use Trinket whichunfortunately has a minigame, making it difficult to use in real scenarios..
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (95) Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg — A passive trinket with an attached minigame,allowing you to control whether or not you gain primary stat or your highest secondarystat. Works well in situations where you can maximise the stat gain by sitting on20 main stat stacks and 10 secondary stacks. Does lose some power in real scenarios.



  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (96) Skyterror's Corrosive Organ — Raw damage trinket that works wellas a passive option. Simply desync with your on-use stat trinket.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (97) Spare Meat Hook — Solid raw damage on-use working well as a passivetrinket.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (98) Void Pactstone — Raw damage trinket that does not quite doenough to beat out our good stat passive trinkets.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (99) Sikran's Endless Arsenal — Primarily a tank trinket that stilldoes okay damage for us.
  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (100) Mad Queen's Mandate — Raw damage on-use that does okay damage.



  • Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (101) Overclocked Gear-a-Rang Launcher



Many people overthink the distribution of their secondarystats. An important thing to remember is that a higher quantity of statsis usually better than a better quality of stats. Because of this,wearing higher item-level gear with worse stats tends to be better than loweritem-level gear with great stats. Keep this in mind when considering gear. Formore information on stats, please refer to our dedicated page.

For Frost specifically, aim to have Crit as our top stat by raw amount,followed by Mastery. For a closer look at stats, please see the below article./p>

Frost Death Knight Stats



For neck and ring pieces, you can generally afford to drop 5-10 ilevels in most cases toget our preferred stats: Crit and Mastery. That said, you should always simyourself to see what is better as the secondary stat diminishing returnscan still change your ideal setup. It can be useful to wear craftedjewelry due to how you can control the stats; just remember that you cannot craftthe maximum ilvl possible!



  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated all gear for Season 4.
  • 22 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 29 Nov. 2023: Added Legendary with proper link to bis.
  • 22 Nov. 2023: Updated drop location from dawn upper and lower and changed Breath m+ bis trinkets to mirror and porcelain.
  • 07 Nov. 2023: Updated BiS Lists and Embellishment recommendations after Sporecloak nerfs.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for patch 10.2. Added new bis lists, trinkets and embellishment.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Added 10.1.5 dungeon recommendation.
  • 01 Jun. 2023: Added m+ embellishment recommendation.
  • 31 May 2023: Added neltharion trinket as new bis for frost 2H oblit.
  • 08 May 2023: Updated after trinket tuning.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated all gear for Patch 10.1.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.

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Frost Death Knight DPS Gear and Best in Slot - The War Within (Season 1) (2025)
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