When Is La Delgada Línea Amarilla (2015) Set

1. The Thin Yellow Line (2015) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Five men are hired to paint the yellow line the road between two villages in Mexico forgotten. Aboard an old pickup truck, initiated the work of more than ...

  • Five men are hired to paint the yellow line the road between two villages in Mexico forgotten. Aboard an old pickup truck, initiated the work of more than two hundred kilometers of asphalt and yellow paint to be completed in less than a fortnight

The Thin Yellow Line (2015) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

2. La delgada linea amarilla / The Thin Yellow Line - Zurich Film Festival

  • La delgada linea amarilla / The Thin Yellow Line ; Country / Year. Mexico / 2015 ; Duration. 95 Min. ; Languages. Spanish ; Subtitles · English. German ; Genre. Road ...

  • Five men who were dealt a dud hand by life have been given the task of re-marking the central lines on a 217 km highway stretch in the federal state of San Luis Potosi. Armed with an old truck, a dog and a few yellow paint pots, the men set to work in the sweltering heat. Neither of them could have guessed that this apparently tedious task will change the lives of the dissimilar comrades forever. Repressed pasts, cruel acts of fate and new glimmers of hope are awaiting along the roadside… A road movie in the truest sense of the term, this unpretentiously philosophical, heart-warming film is guaranteed not to leave anybody out in the cold. Produced by Guillermo del Toro, Celso R. García’s award-winning debut work received fifteen nominations at this year’s Mexican ‘Ariel’ film awards.

3. 'The Thin Yellow Line' Review: Celso Garcia's Debut Film - Variety

  • 21 sep 2015 · 30, 2015. (Also in Guadalajara, Chicago International) Running time: 95 MIN. (Original title: “La Delgada Linea Amarilla”). Production ...

  • An appealing dramedy about five financially strapped men hired to paint the center stripe along 120 miles of Mexican state highway.

'The Thin Yellow Line' Review: Celso Garcia's Debut Film - Variety

4. 'The Thin Yellow Line' (La Delgada Linea Amarilla): Montreal Review

'The Thin Yellow Line' (La Delgada Linea Amarilla): Montreal Review

5. The Thin Yellow Line | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Five men hired to paint the lines on a road have no idea the experience will change their lives forever.

The Thin Yellow Line | Rotten Tomatoes

6. The Thin Yellow Line (2015) directed by Celso R. García - Letterboxd

  • Five men are hired to paint the yellow line the road between two villages in Mexico forgotten. Aboard an old pickup truck, initiated the work of more than ...

  • Five men are hired to paint the yellow line the road between two villages in Mexico forgotten. Aboard an old pickup truck, initiated the work of more than two hundred kilometers of asphalt and yellow paint to be completed in less than a fortnight

The Thin Yellow Line (2015) directed by Celso R. García - Letterboxd

7. La Delgada Línea Amarilla (Film, 2015) - MovieMeter.nl

  • Bevat niet: set | Resultaten tonen met:set

  • Drama film geregisseerd door Celso R. García. Met Damián Alcázar, Joaquín Cosio en Silverio Palacios.

La Delgada Línea Amarilla (Film, 2015) - MovieMeter.nl

8. PSIFF Spotlight: The Thin Yellow Line (La Delgada Línea Amarilla)

  • Bevat niet: (2015) | Resultaten tonen met:(2015)

  • Celso García – Mexico’s Emerging Filmmaker By Heidi Simmons Filmmaker Celso García studied communication at Iteso University in Guadalajara, Mexico.  That’s where García discovered how to convey visceral information through sound and images. García made his first short film Up Without Wings (Arriba Sin Alas) in 1998 based on a Charles Bukowski story, which got […]

PSIFF Spotlight: The Thin Yellow Line (La Delgada Línea Amarilla)

9. La delgada línea amarilla: El camino recto de la vida | Cultura - EL PAÍS

  • 12 apr 2018 · Dirección: Celso García. Intérpretes: Damián Alcázar, Gustavo Sánchez Parra, Joaquín Cossío, Silverio Palacios. Género: drama. México, 2015.

  • Sencilla, directa a pesar de su simbolismo, ya desde el título, y profundamente honesta

La delgada línea amarilla: El camino recto de la vida | Cultura - EL PAÍS

10. [PDF] La delgada línea amarilla: Situaciones al límite Reseña de la película y ...

  • De manera que cuando estábamos en el set, filmando, todo fluyó de una forma muy natural. ... 2015 La delgada línea amarilla.

11. [PDF] Donde Se Grabo La Delgada Linea Amarilla

  • The novel is set in the year 1984, a fictional future in which most ... A Manual for Cleaning Women Lucia Berlin,2015-10-08 The New York Times bestseller.

12. La delgada línea amarilla | Xfinity Stream

  • Cinco hombres que pintan la línea de una carretera que conecta a dos pueblitos mexicanos experimentan las alegrías y tristezas de la vida durante su ardua ...

  • Watch TV series and top rated movies live and on demand with Xfinity Stream. Stream your favorite shows and movies anytime, anywhere!

13. THE THIN YELLOW LINE - Latido Films

  • Bevat niet: set | Resultaten tonen met:set

  • Considered one of the top 100 films in the history of Mexican cinema, this remarkable directorial debut by Celso García received 14 nominations at the Ariel Awards and fetched prizes at the Gijon, Montreal, and Oaxaca film festivals. It is a road movie with a significant social underpinning about the journey of five men who must paint the dividing line of a 200-kilometer highway in just 15 days. During those two weeks, these resourceful individuals, amidst laughter and tears, comedy and drama, will discover an alternative way of understanding and approaching life. At the head of the cast is Damián Alcázar, an actor who alternates between Mexican and Spanish productions and occasionally ventures into Hollywood with movies like ‘The Chronicles of Narnia.


14. Graban la "Delgada Linea Amarilla" con locaciones en San Luis Potosí

  • 29 mei 2014 · En el set cinematográfico ubicado en un tramo de la carretera que lleva al municipio de Armadillo de los Infante, el Secretario de Turismo ...

  • La compañía productora Springall Pictures de Alejandro Springall de Alejandro Springall, en asociación para este proyecto con Bertha Navarro, dio el

Graban la

15. 21 últimas noticias - :: Revista Pantalla ::

  • ... 2015 con la presencia del director del FICG, Iván Trujillo Bolio. El ... -La Delgada Línea Amarilla (México). -Dir. Celso Garcíav. PREMIO A LA MEJOR ...

16. Un pueblo mexicano se une para construir su destino en “La gran ...

  • 31 aug 2023 · El director, reconocido por su trabajo en películas como "La delgada línea amarilla" (2015) ... "Trabajar con este elenco fue un placer, un deleite ...

  • La película "La gran seducción", del director mexicano Celso García, se estrena este miércoles en Netflix con el mensaje "de la unión del pueblo y cómo juntos construyen su destino”, según expresó el cineasta en entrevista con EFE.

Un pueblo mexicano se une para construir su destino en “La gran ...

17. writing | Nobody Knows Anybody

  • Tags. 1962-1979 2015 Abdul & Hamza Aboubakr Bensaïhi admin Aferim! Aita ... La calle de la amargura La caza La delgada línea amarilla La fin du jour La ...

  • Posts about writing written by Rebecca

writing | Nobody Knows Anybody
When Is La Delgada Línea Amarilla (2015) Set
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.