Township OK'i Budget, where she had been visiting her daughter's family, the Edward Aeachlemana, for a week. She came with Vernon Sohultz and -w -a. 4. Renews Gravel Tax i A. j-.
Annual budget and appropriation daughter, June, of Milwaukee who ordinance for, Roanoke township was approved at the town meeting held April Town fund appropriation totals, $9935, and gen tf I cf i p- I r. 1 1 -U i BuJ I i. Gt-e-v 2 11 ary-trcB3- Mr. and tlx. James Kurphy returned to home la Colorado rings, fefter visiting-their sun 'and amily, the Paul Hurptiys, tor five Mr, and Paul Flaucher, Eiirbara, Sandra and Terry of Lima, Cliio; were guests of Mrs.
I'laugher's mother, Mr. 1 Pearl McCauley, from Tuesday until Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Galther and family of Kokomo, spent the weekend with Rev.
and Mn. Oscar F. Jones. Easter week end guests of the Roger Knutsons were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Johnson of Dresbach, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller and daughter of Towanda were guests last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Emle Moritz. The men were buddies; Roger Mueser, a state highway employee at, Ottawa, spent were spending taster wlin relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long of Rock River, yislted their cousins, the Sam Martinos; Mr.
and Mrs. 1 Russell Furr and children spent the Easter va-cation in Shelbyville visiting their patents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Furr and Mr. and Mrs.
0. Largent. Word hat been received that a son was born, March 28, to Mr. and Mrs. (Pat DuBois) Tony Mo-Eldowney of Danville; The baby's name Is Timothy James and bis brother is James Conrad.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs; Connie DuBois of Joliet and Mr. and Mrs. John McEldowney of Roanoke. Mrs.
John Bacquet who underwent surgery Saturday is reported to be in satisfactory condition. Her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John AtiNOUiKEMEMJ We have moved two doors west into the 'k'. j.
former A store Watch next week for our grand opening valuable door prizes to be given away. STARLIHE STORE WASHINGTON, ILLINOIS LINOLEUM RUGS CARPETING DRAPERIES ASPHALT TILE RUBBER TILE CERAMIC TILE eral assistance fund, $3500. The special gravel tax was renewed for a five-year period. It is not to exceed .075 percent of the full cash value of property, and can be used for the maintenance or construction of roads. It will help pay for blacktop roads being built the recent.
$130,000 bond issue. Firemen Answer Call To Gene Yerglers The Roanoke fire department's new radio alert system went into service Monday, March 31, When a call was received from Mrs. Gene Yergler of RR 1. Easter weekend visitors at the home of Mrs. J.
D. 1 Smith were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kinsr of Chi i. i a tri Mis.
IMr' left I 'T'g for Foit V.cyne, 1 I s. I 1 1" Crr'j and 'J. Don-nid, Kaye Ann, and Colin. were I -a ia Ce Lutheran church 1' i. Coro'yn Harrlck Wint to a to her I od, 1 who revived Ms t.
se, IWsy at Fert'Sheri-' efter 1 13 mons with Hv.s l-i C-rnany. v.s i n. Hit: whom I I 1 ere livirg i i i roc t' ny i cd from Victor Wacr. I-. and rii-s.
Ray'KrT and Vt. tni Mrs. Stasday and t. 1- Ir. and Bacquet of Mansfield, Ohio, who the Easter weekend with had been here for several days, returned to their home Monday.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl It BradleV is spending his Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sapp and cecKy ana ana airs, raw vacation visiting an aunt in Bart- 3 're Ei -tor 3.
H-' fishing In MZJZ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oovd Sapp cago, Dr. Richard Yoder and family of Elkhart, Arthur Smith i' i '3 tl I Ir. end Mrs.
of the Ozarks. i Cr tf I "ton. in Peoria, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs.
G. F. Small, 01 South Bend, and James Miller of Carleton College in Mrs. Eva Wasem spent the E1U and Barbara of Aurora spent rs. Lev-1 Ti returned Tl- Lei Hie weekend weekend with her 'parents, Mr.
several days last week with Mrs. Small a parents, "Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Van in vandalla and with her son.
George Wasem, 'ij rl it str i en .3 VZ3 For-li 3. ITj v. 1 1 -ve ee states 1 11. 11 -'J -uJcr and I Irs. (t- it t' wee' nd w-iih i I 'j t.t rcit 13.
"i E1S3 i'rsc -who i 1 traliiinj at Tort 1 L'j ad-, jj Pvt. David E. 1. i I I7: Co. D.
Phd Weyeneth, and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. (Verda Hodel) Vemon Blunier of Eureka entertained members of the' Hodel family, Easter. Present were' her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Silas Ilodel, and her brothers and sisters and their families. Gail Nyberg, little daughter of Mn and Mrs. Ralph Nyberg, visited several flays with her grandparents, Mr. and -Mrs. Har 1 IS.
basic; Fort old Crump, in Carlock last week. 1 I j. H's. David Kennedy 1 1 -1 rf I 13.. Mr.
and Mrs. George Dolock were guests of his brother-in-law and sister, and Earl to t'-r i.c!.e i.ui ay 'a 4 3 't in the Don Adler, in Thayer. Easter. at home 'In Patoka. Her son is a graduate student at Southern Oil-nols University in Carbondale.
'Mrs. James Eaton, of Springfield and Mrs. B. Allan of Normal are guests in the A. Thompson this week.
Miss Reta Heinselmann was a guest of her father, Victor Hein-zelmann in Atwood during the Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs'. Robert Risser were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A.
Hutcherson of Peoria and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Ringel of Milwaukee, Wis. vtwty Mr.
and Mrs. Don F. Smith and family spent the weekend in LaCrosse, Wis. Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Knutson entertained their son-in-law and daughter and family of Dresback, over the weekend, j. Miss; Helen Bergschnelder spent Easter Vacation with relatives in Springfield. Miss Ann Allison visited home folks at Kansas City, Mo. The young ladles are high school faculty members. Capt.
and Mrs. Herbert Johnson and daughter, Barbara, of Savannah, are spending a week with their. parents, tiw A. Thompsons in Roanoke and the Rev. and Mrs.
J. A. Johnson in 1 1 The birthdays of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley April 1 and 2, were observed by relatives visit 't ajy with a 1 r.
i 1 j. 1 -n at ing them and bringing refreshments. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Steven Porzelius and Mr and I tts.
Donald Porzelius of Secor, I'r. and Mrs. Andrew Unzlcker, Via and Marilyn: and Mrs. RED POTATOES 10u.69e ALL FLAVORS JELLO -3n-25s GilAPEFSlUITiECTlOilS 5 clHO FROZEN-6-OZ. SIZE SEALDSWEET juice i9e NANCY HANKS-22 SIZE R1EESTOE PEACIES ZLm- mm 'BAKER'S CHOCOLATE CHIPS r23e i i r- 1 i 'rx i 5 i -j.
ft i 1 a 1 end 'lt-U1 1 i. 1 I 1., -i ir I r. and Corje to Arehur Zoss and Walter Unzlcker cf Lowpoint and and Mrs. il. 1.
lives tl Earl Steflen and son, DannyJ of Roanoke. Tape recordSnga were 1 made of the hampy event. A i 1 with Miss ElizaUui and Miss Leah Moser were guests of their broth 1 ij.u 1 1 1 1 er-in-law and slater, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knecht, in Eureka for; dinner Sunday everJr.3.
Sunday evening dlnne guests of Mr. 'Mrs. Melvln Rocke i I yen is confined 1 1 a fall at Bloomhigton. They are being transferred from Savannah to the Alr.Foroe base at Columbus. Ohio.
and ITrt. Carl llodell and foully cf fh Mr. and Mr. John Bacquet II j. r.r-Xi-it.
1 voters neetirg of Glen Ilodel, Raymond Hodel, Mor of Mansfield, Ohio, are here ris, Wiegand, AlvLn Hodel, and Ed to be near his' mother, Mrs. John ward Hodel and their families, Bacquet, who is seriously ill in 2) tt p.m. 1. -i councU and Mrs; Jerome Ruble of the Peoria St. Francis hospital Greenfield spent Easter with his where she underwent surgery Sat urday morning.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Ruble. Saturday, evening dinner Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Fischer 1 r. ct rt i a L. G. Ictzner of Rc-r is tl.e vacancy pastor of a L' to replace 1 libber cf LI Paso who will 1 next fct a ccw parish I. "'a.
guests of the Rubles were Mr. and spent the Easter vacation with Am VtaAtiA' nmnti Mi anil Mrs. Claude Wilson of Peoria. Wlfr A MWIMll -Miss Dorothy Davies in com Mrs. Roy O'Connor, in Clayton Easter dinner guests of Mr.
pany with friends from Bradley U. spent the Easter 'vacation in Ft Lauderdale, Fla. and Mrs. Henry Bachman werel their son, Kenneth and family; Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Schertz. Billy and Betty of East; Peoria; Miss Miss Elsie Small has moved from her home on W. Broad St, to an apartment in the home of and Mrs. Guy Louria Bryant of Peoria, and Pearly Bachman. 1 OCT Mrs.
Sybil Sauder was a guest ter dLmer guests of Mr. 1 ILs. Carence O'llarah were 1 t. 1 .1 DIulne O'llarah and -rll, Jim of South 1 I Jr. and Mrs.
Ray-T'i O'LIarsh ard sons cf Wash-' ton; and 1I.S. Raymond (j '-r-h's prrents, Mr. and Mrs. II. O.
tf Iowa. 1' fcr.aly rrcrp had Easter Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McDaniel, Tennessee Ernie Ford tells you why ISlllEiiFEl' Dick and Patty of O'Fallon and Miss Myra Yordy, a student of Manchester College, North Manchester, spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs.
Amos 'Yordy. Sm the Fbrd Show on NBC-TV Mrs. Silas Hodel entertained lu Izzt Jr. f.d Mrs. Dick her Sewing club Wednesday afternoon.
1WS OOOft MNCN IMMOM MANOtSS AS SMVM TtNNsssn Mr. and Mrs. Lancer Cooper and family In Urbana Fri day and Saturday visiting Mr. Cooper's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dewey Donahue, and Mrs. Cooper's mother, Mrs. Daisy Edward. "r- (. it Members of the Silas Hodel YMStmTBMSbHV4 0, sp to 309 (nighty sora-powr, to Ford wtfoa you chmt.
Or mM tbt thrifty MUMH Mite St Ti i sate sqnMin aivtaatj diooM On Rio Raack Wigoit This 2-door wifoa hit a high-Myliiir tint will pthtrmvioui giancei wMranr yon drive. OrMtaymlNMNrRMli WHM. With of lb Mtnactfl styling It's (81 tho tonst peloid mgoa yotfl Bad tofts tow-pric torn daughters and grandchildren, met for thei monthly get-to-gether in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodel near El Paso Thursday night PCjrs, 2 rynes' son-in-liw and Car Mr.
airi Mrs. II dn of I "ywood were also i-xercat. Su-'-y dinner guests of Mrs. were her sons, Tom nd JJjt, I 1 i J'nx End their RIi" 1 end fam-1, Ilr. and I TnJ Grcpacher Pau'a and I.
of Pekin. EarruRs has served on an Illinois Press association committee to Bdeet finalists for 17 Editor cf Year. Winner will be announced at the press association's mi spring i 1 I'ay 18. I'r. and 1 Tweddale ar.d family cf Li.
Lo formerly of rvrclis, I. .1 tives in Ltira, i here 1 -y. 4 Tom Klaus left yesterday for 'ind Air Ee, San Antonio, Texas, whore he will spend seven r-'j in ir? wljj the Air 1 ha been employed at IHa "Io. JJ.n and ruil mlth; stu-r' at i spent Erzter wi'Ii -r3, Mr. and I 3.
TJ 1 1. A family -rl-r 1 "3 r'y at the A representative irom the office of the state superintendent of public instruction la evaluating today the speech correction program introduced In Unit 140 schools this year. apoM km wt urtiM momms oa nm aw cmmws MTHSOOUWrnrSSOAMl' NlHlMU0lMlhMdMSW 4-door wtgoa. Aid ttt 4M0y big brothor, tho Couotry Sqolm, fntarai suhoginy-Ulit iMa pMdiag i Ford rehnhil ThaVi aw stoi lut of IshI Couotry Sodto. Asd Ms wsp-aramd Iftgito opontos wfta on htsdl of her son, Chester, and his family in Washington, Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wiles were dinner guests in Peoria of the W.
Webb family of Meta-mora, Sunday. Lisa Marie is the 'name given to the little daughter born at the St hospital -in Peoria, Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman B. Tjaden.
She weighed 6 pounds and 13 ounces. She is a sister for three year old 'Jeffrey and a granddaughter Mrs. Megellna Tjaden and Mrs. Maurine Griffith, both of Minonk. Miss Patty Goodwin, a student in Northwestern University in Evanston, visited her father, W.
S. Goodwin, during the Easter weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Ames of Trenton came Thursday to spend a few days with Mrs. Antes' brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. George Bond. Norman Pruvost a U. of student, spent Easter Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Pruvost' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Risser and daughter, Karen, 'were dinner guests of Mr. and Lester Risser in Eureka Saturday evening. The occasion was Lester.
Risser's birthday. The C. Corn family spent the Easter vacation with relatives in 1 43t and Mrs. Carl Yeck hid as their guests, Easter, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Walter and Karen, of Streator, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Yeck. and children of Pecria and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Klrkwood cf LawrencevlHe.
Miss Linda Rocke, a student at luinois State Normal wss at the home cf her- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Rocke for the wef-'-nd, dsn Cray, cf vha csme hame attwi '3 of I's fa! Dt.7.:i5, i is -r. 1 far a few vv rr.i.L -r. OOtl ft pMt It nfing outwflt i i eompititor Bttrty SO. Aad Ford ijoii an tht totml prlcod of tbl tovr-pffes ttroo.
1 tf I i 'j ret: It a 1 fee. 1 1. TAKE THIS COUPCn TO VOUB FCH3 CIALE2I 0M rosa SNrtigfldO 3 -rer, irs. ra. to Eureka of gffteg -id rec- r.
Tarfcsn 1 the -i r-st I If r. -r LIAVK tMtS I LANK nuTtnsm I aawbMt ,4 Him oow tot 1 1 EQCX TC2 JUST $1X9 Zssd'J'- ieea like magic to ep! who us i ChssiSed ib. II yott lavs imuseJdust- cstctsrs in your noms, bow's tLa tins to sell them quickly for cash. Ifs easy irili aa action packed Wast 14. Fhcrt 1C5, sk lot.Cki3ii,:- I v.l a 5 sSALES 4 II Tw'w Irtewiljl la 1-1 HT3 us Jn Tm Tirl Cetlai 1 I.