Woodford County Journal from Eureka, Illinois (2024)

Tbe Woodford County Journal Eureka, Illinois, June 8, 1967 All Classified AJj On TLis Page Run In Both Woodford County Journal and Roanolce Review Charles F. Boren et al lot e2 Nicholas Schmltt subdiv, a pt SEU sec 1 T27N R4W. Charles F. Boren et al to DcJ- Court News MARRIAGE LICENSES Kenneth Anthony Setter, Meta-mora, and Janet Josephine Selvey, Eureka. THANK YOU FOR RENT I wish to thank all who were so Eugenetta B.

Kinney to Robert A. LaHue et al lot 25 ex 100 sec 31 T27N R3W. Jack O'Barrett et al to Floyd C. Wood et al pt SE sec 14 Donald A. Leinberger et al to Stanley Dean Schrock et al pt SE sec 15 T27N R1W.

FOR RENT 3 room upstairs bert E. Swearingin same as above. Ralph J. Campbell et al to 'Clarence J. Buttrom et al lot 11 Spring Bay Gardens.

I Carrie Neuhauser, by Extrs. to Theo Renter et al pt Wtt lot 3 Plat Etf sec 12 T26N R2W. kind to me at the time of my son ilarley's death and during my five weeks stay In. the Eureka hospital. Special thank to Dr.

Riley and the hospital staff. apartment. Full bath. Heat, air conditioner refrigerator furnished. Newly redecorated.

Adult only. Available immediately. Appointment to tee. Phone 467-34U after 5 p.m. or 467-2123.

19tln Mrs. Eli Lemon WIS The charge for on insertion of a clauiiled ad 5 cents per word, with minimum of 75 cents. Ads repeated in sue-cessWe weeks ere charged at 3 cents a word for each time alter the first. An additional charge of SO cents is made for aU under which replies are addressed to the newspaper. Cards of Thanks and In Memorials notices are charged at 1 if SO words or less, with an additional 3 cents for each word above SO.

AT 10AXQKZ: Phone 923-5841 or eall at our ofiice at 108B West Bosseman between 9 and 12 any morning. The closing time at feoanoke is 11:30 a.m. Tuesday. AT EUSZKA: Phone 467-3314 or call at our office 108. S.

Main SL, between 8 and noon or 1 and 5 any day (except Saturday afternoon). The closing time at Eureka is 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. CAED OF THANKS FOR RENT 3 room downstairs I want to thank our many (EMEU SCIlflADER ROANOKE, ILLINOIS Phone (309) 394-2613 We Offer Complete Farm Tiling Services Waterway And Ponds Dozer Backhoe Endloader Work FOR SALE FOR SALE BLOOMING African Violets. Mrs Ralnh Brown.

Phone 467-3267. 1961 BUICK SPECIAL. 4-door sta Frank Ellis Rowel, and Mary Joe White, both Pekia Duane Emanuel Meta-mora, and Phyllis Francois, Roanoke. Fred Jacob Teffner, Eureka, and Donna Jean East Peoria. Ernest Edward Monk, Benson, and Sheila Dawn O'Connor, Kankakee.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Lester R. Miller et alito Harvey J. Stevens et al lot 5 blk 4 Bayvlew Gardens a sub of SWYt sec 12 T27N R4W. Charles L. Barth et al to L.

R. Raster gar same desc. Harvey J. Stevens et al to John Hazel undiv int in lots 12-13 blk 5 vill of Spring Bay. Hugh E.

White to Joseph G. Klein WV4 lot 10 all lot 11 blk 6 Kennell's Add to Roanoke. M. Pauline Ochampaugh et al to Ronald L. Call et al lot A being pt sec 29 T27N R3W.

Orville J. Dorethy to John J. Evans parcel 1 of SW Sec 33 27N R3W. Frederick Shotthofer et al to tion wagon. Inquire at First Na 23t3p apartment Partly furnished.

Cab o-4i. 23u. OR RENT Unfurnished apt 4 rooms. Newly decorated. Adult No children or pets, 104 E.

Col lege. Telephone 467-3351 22t2. OR RENT 2 bedroom apart ment Corner Arm and Dougla Available now. 2 bedroom apan ment near high school. Availab.

June Harley King 9234481 lStfn FOR RENT 13 foot travel trailer. Cooking utensils included. Sleeps 4 or 5. $5 per day, $30 per week. Herman TJaden, 923-7058.

23t2n UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, 3 rooms and bath. Refrigerator and stov this week da the PcDDermint tional Bank of Eureka. 23t2n CONVERTIBLEBuick, 6-cyl. Spe-clal. Excellent condition, including top.

Reasonable. Call 467-2542 Flip. Enjoy a custard sundae with chocolate, marshmallow and peppermint topping. Thirty cents at Bcchtel's AAW. Roa- 24t2n rwlce.

23tln 1965 YAHAMA Motorcycle. 80 cc Excellent condition. Low price. Call 467-2542 or see Lee Moore 155 OLDS Dynamic 88 2 dr. Hdtp hrnk and steering.

31000 24t2n MARTIN BROTHERS IMPLEMENT COMPANY Phone 923-2741 Roanoke, III. miles. Wallace Adams, Goodfield Dh. 965-2041. furnished.

Available June 15. 305 NOTICES loot ktizitki Motorcvcle. 250 cc E. Leo. Call Elton Ulrich 9 3200 miles.

Helmet (size 7 1-8) DANCE RECITAL by student of Sandy and Kathy Fehr Saturday, 248L 20tfn included. Call. 467-3202. 23t2p FOR RENT Burton 2 bed June 17, 8 p.m. Eureka high school auditorium.

Adults 75 cents. Children 50 cents. Admis NOW TAKING orders for fresh fruit Eureka Locker, phone 467 room lower apartment with basem*nt. Clean. Heat and water furnished.

Available May 1. Pe 2731. 23t2n ROW BOAT with car-top loader. oria 682-1092. lBtfn FOR RENT Downstairs apartment.

Near Roanoke. 923-3153. sion by advance ticket sale only. Available from students. 23t2n WANT A CLEAN CAR for your vacation? Call 467-2637 for wash and wax Job.

23tlp Leonard Fehr. Edgewood. Eure ka. 23UP 14tfn friends, neighbors, and reiativees, for prayer, cards, letters, gifts, and visits 'while in the hospital and since returning home. A special thanks to Remmert's ambulance service.

May God bless an of you. Your kindness will long be remembered Reuben Kennell CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our gratitude and appreciation to our friends, neighbors and relatives for the prayers and acts of kindness to our famHy during the illness and death of our beloved father; and grandfather. Our sincere thanks to the doctors and the Eureka Hospital staff for their, good care and kindness during our trying time. All these are deeply appreciated and will never be forgotten. The Nathan Fehr family CARD OF THANKS Our thanks to the Junior High School students and faculty and to Mrs.

Charlotte Noe and her lourth grade class for the flowers and their thoughtful ness. Candy and Kevin Wilder, CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the flowers cards, food, and other acts of kindness shown to us at the loss of our husband and father. Mrs. W. C.

Wilder and family IN LOVING MEMORY OF ADOLPH BILL Your gentle face and patient smile With sadness we call You had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. The voice is mute, and stilled the heart That loved us well and true Ah, bitter was the trial to part From one so good as you. You are not forgotten loved one Nor will pou ever be As long as life and memory last We will remember thee. We miss you now, our hearts are sore As time goes by we miss you more Your loving smile, your gentle fnce No one can fill your vacant place. 7 Mrs.

Adolph BUI and family FOR RENT Two bedroom house 1965 PLYMOUTH SporU Fury- NOTICE Andy's Barber Shop, furnished, two years old. No P.S.. P.B.. automatic. 318 en if A- PrOUD to serve The Credit needs of AmERICAN Agriculture BLOOMINGT0N PRODUCTION CREDIT ASSOCIATION 106 N.

Callendrr Eureka, 111. Phone 4W-2814 Roanoke, will be closed June 12 thru June 21. 22t2n glne. Radio. Heater.

WW tires. 32,000 miles Red Interior, white NOTICE I am the Avon repre sentative for all of Roanoke children or one child preferred Available Aug. 25. 923-5713. 21t3 REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE.

Mra. Grace Hasty, Roanoke. 23t3p Phone or house orders will be ext. Excellent condition, siaou. 1965 Plymouth Belvedere, 4-door, P.S., P.B., automatic.

Radio Heater 361 engine. Many extras. Good condition. $1500. Don Mal- taken at your convenience.

Be verly Michelettl. 923-4604. 22t4n com. Roanoke 923-2601. 23tlp NOTICE Registered quarter horse Stud service.

Pete Schro CLEAN rues, like new, so easy to 'OR SALE OR RENT 5-Rooir modern home. Rent $65 per mo. Sale price $11,800. See A. B.

Moser, Eureka. INDUSTRIAL 1965 Caae 430 Ooiutr. King, Mr. hoe S4250 1957 Gallon Model 460 Road Grader with cab and atnrifler $2750 1968 Ford 4500 lnd. wheel used 150 houra 14750 1959 Ford 841 lnd.

wheel Sherman hoe $2650 1963 Deere 1010 crawler dozer with Deere 830 aide boom, A-l $5250 1960 Deere Model 840 aelf-loadlng acraper $6450 1966 Caae 500 LK. 2 wheel drive used 500 hour $5750 1961 Hough H50, 4 wheel drive loader with cab $6960 1964 Cate 310 Crawler new tracks. engine overhauled, with buckets, log fork and winch $5250 1966 Case 530 Constr. King wheel ldr. ft hoe, like new $5450 1963 Hy-Hoe 380 dlesel powered, mtd.

on 6x6 crane carrier $8950 1969 Hopto 360 hyd backhoe mm nn ex6 duplex carrier $7950 1964 Case 530 Constr. King wheel loader ft 14-ft noe, used 1800 hours $4900 1957 Cat 933 crawler In good cond. $3950 1967 AJlls TL10 wheel 1 yd. bucket $2950 1963 IHC Scout 4 wheel drive pickup $1375 TRACTORS TRACTORS TRACTORS TRACTORS 3-1965 Deere 4020 dlesel, wide 18.4 rear, 3 point hitch and hyd. cyl $4350 to $4750 1966 Deere 4020 18.4 rear tires, used 900 hours $5660 1961 Super Fordson dlesel with lnd.

hyd. ldr $1650 1960 4-wheel drive tractor, 160 H. Cummins dlesel engine $3250 1966 Deere 6020 dlesel, S-pt hitch. used 60 hours $8460 1904 Deere 4020 wide front. 18.4 rear tires, cab, used 1000 hre $6460 1961 Deere 3010-D, fully equipped, A-l cond $3460 1964 MM.

UB dlesel wlth power steering $1460 ALL NEW METAL TRACTOR CAB One piece construction can be installed or removed In 20 mln. Reduces engine noise, good visibility, two doors eaiy to get Into Cabs in stock (or all popular make tractors. Priced complete with pressurizing fan $480. Special price for dealers. SPRAYER PUMPS The all new centrifugal pump.

Replace your sprayer pump now and get the pump that will not wear out It's a must for atraslne. COMBINES CORN ATTACHMENTS 1966 Deere 66 Combine. 12-ft grain head, cab ft 234 corn head $6450 1965 Deere 434 corahead, 80" rows $3730 1966 Deere 434 corn head, excellent $2960 1962 Deere 105 combine with 434 corn head, A-l cond. 1969 Deere 45 combine, 13 ft header $1260 1958 Oliver 40 8. P.

Combine whh 12-ft. head and 3 row corn head $3150 1960 Deere 45 Hl-Lo combine with 210 com head $3260 Behlen 750 bushel PTO, portable dryer, good $3500 CULTIVATORS 1963 Deere T4 4 row for 8030 or 4020 626 1965 Deere AT83 cult, 8 row, frt mtd 950 Case 4 row cult on rubber, fits 400 or 730 8 360 Allls 4 row quick tatch cult for WD 8 196 Oliver 4-row cult quick tatch, 9- pt rear rigs. 4 vrs. old I 6 IHC 466A cult on rubber 295 IHC 8 row 30" rear mtd. used 1 yr.

750 1966 Fox self-propelled with 2-row corn head, used very little $7950 3iNew Holland 818 self-propelled choppers with GM dlesel power unit, 2-row corn heads, each $3500 New Holland 818 self-propelled chopper with Chevrolet gas power unit, 2-row corn head $3000 Demo Deere Model 38 PTO chop- Ser with pickup attach, and row corn head $2960 der, 467-3572. 22tfn do with Blue Lustre. Rent elec EASTERN STAR Benefit card party June 10, 7:30 p.m. at new Masonic Temple, Eureka. Public Invited.

Donation $1. 21t3n BEDROOM HOME In Roanokr Gas hot water baseboard heat Attached garage. New kitchen Will sell contract for deed. 923-5051. 18tfn NOTICE Weyeneth Realty.

Roa noke. Ph. 17tfn FIVE ROOM Modem house, 612 N. tric shampooer $1. Western Auto in Eureka.

23tln FOR WHITE CRUSHED rock and gravel delivered and spread. Also black dirt and terrace stone. Bernard Krumholz. Phone 467-2110. 23tfn HARMONY Electric guitar.

Hollow body, double pick-up, switch for rhythm and lead. Call Norm Funk, 923-5801. 23tlp USED GIRL'S 26" bike with book clamp. $10. Joan Martin, 923-2163.

23tln Sec Big Time RCA R0DE0 Timberline Ranch Goodfield, 111. NOTICE For white crushed rook State Koanoke. To settle estate of Margherlta Barra. Reasonable. Priced to sell.

Ph. daytime 923-7193. Evenings 923-4733. 19tfn and gravel delivered and spread. Also black dirt and terrace stone.

Bernard Krumholz. 14tfn ELECTROLUX sales and service BEAUTIFUL LOTS overlooking John Burtls. phone 467-3509, Eureka. 2tfn 1 i Eureka Lake. Enjoy the view the year around.

All lots are at least 1-3 of an acre. For further GIFTS FOR ALL Occasions. You can find more at Your variety Store. Roanoke Variety. 48tfn SMORGASBORD The Kims In El 4x8' POOL TABLE, used one year, good condition, $50; Rotary pow-er mower, good conditln, $15.

Call 467-2919. Carl Hlrsch. 23t2p 1963 AMERICAN RAMBLER, 4-dr. $485.00. 467-2661.

22t2n 1965 MUSTANG, 6 cyl, radio. $1495. Ph. 467-2661. 22t2n Information or appointment, call Don Litwiller or Jerry Smith.

lOtto WANTED WANTED Odd jobs or farm' work for 16 year old boy. Dan MENTAL HEALTH SPEAKERS LISTED A new Sneakers' Bureau manual NEW 4030 ft 8030 tractors In stock ready for Immediate delivery. Avail-ibls on our 4 year lease plan or 4 year crop payment plan. Check into our low finance piaa and credit life insurance, lew self-propelled combines available on above plana also. Paso.

Open 5 to 8:30 11:30 to 8 Sunday. Noon lunch to 2 weekdays. Now serving in our new colonial banquet room with seating for 200. 4tfn Aeschleman, phone 923-6652. 23t2n has been prepared by the Illinois Valley Mental Health Association, according to Joseph Witzig, 345 Carol Avenue, Morton, chairman NOTICE Do you have a rust and WANTED Haymaking or other FOR SALE OR RENT 5-Room close in.

Rent $65 per mo. Sale price $9,850. See A. B. Moser, Eureka.

22t2n June 10 8:00 P.M. June 11 2:00 P.M. ADMISSIONS Adults S2.00 Childies $1.00 DON'T MISS ITI form Todd Bcenders R.R. 1, Benson. Ph.

394-2495. 23t6p hard water problem? Contact Glen Hodel, Roanoke 923-6562 for for Lindsay Soft Water service. 24tfn WRITE FOB OUR COMPLETE LIST OT USED EQUIPMENT MARTIN BROTHERS IMPLEMENT ROANOKE, ILLINOIS PART TIME Babysitting or sew of the IVMHA education committee The 10-pnge manual lists 25 speakers and 15 topics, all related to the field of mental health gives a biographical sketch of the sneakers, all mental health professionals, plus information on the ing, Mrs. Louise Ebert, 467-3295. 60" WOODS BROS Rotary mower Belly mount for Ford or Ferg.

Ideal for large lawns or lots. Glen Sparks, Eureka, 467-3464. ROANOKE VARIETY is open both 23t3p Friday and Saturday nights. 17tf 22t2n WANTED- Part time secretarial tonic each speaker has agreed to work. Three years banking ex READY SOON: 4V4-pound White ENJOY THE FINEST In home cooked dinners at the Chanticleer Sunday.

Serving 12 to 9. discuss. perience. Ph. 467-3100.

23t2n Rock fryers. Glen Hodel, Phone All speakers listed are volunteer 923-6562. HHiil Also open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5 to Friday and members of the IVMHA speakers Bureau. USED BABY BUGGY, folds to carry In auto. Phone 467-3597.

22t2n Saturday 5 to 11. 38tfn SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. 11 weeks. S1650. plus scholarship or LOST-FOUND BLONDE CONSOLE TV.

good worklnar condition. Magnavox bonus. Ideal for college student radio and record player, chair LOST Lady's glasses with brown or teacher. Phone Morton M-1531. 22t2n metallic frames.

In light brown side style, portable Admiral i-speed record player. Call 467-3241 after 5. Adeline Speer. case. Lost uptown.

Phone' 467- 3481. 23tln 22t2p HIGH SCHOOL GIRL graduate would like summer work, typing babysitting, etc. Phone 467-3252 22t2p WANTED Washing and ironings. Mrs. Thurm Hinrlchsen 467-3225.

22t5p WOMAN WANTS ride to Peorte. 7:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Phone 467-2549 after 6 p.m. 2212p HET.P WANTED TRAILMOBILE is hiring trailer mechanics.

Excellent startine rates plus fringe benefits. 4706 SW Adams, Peoria. An eoual opportunity employer. 23tln HELP WANTED Secretary at Monsanto Agricultural Center. Phone 467-2366 for details.

23t2n LOST Ford hub cap between Eu FEMALE HELP WANTED- Attention housewives, you can increase your family income and do it In your free time. Reply to C2, In Care of Woodford County Journal. Eureka. 22t2n USED GE refrigerator. $35.

Good reka and Goodfield. Saul Sauder. mm field 965-2592. 22t2n Ph. 467-2931.

22t2p on Mustang Sports Sprint with all these 'Getter Idea' extras Bucket seats, whltewalls, rocker panel SERVICES KOSCH mower to fit Int. or M. $50. Gerald Lemon. 283-3807.

moldings, engine dress-up kit, more. WANTED Waitress for part-time work at Chanticleer. Apply In person. 21t3n 22t2p FOR CONVENIENT Bullt-lns, see Leonard Fehr, Edgewood Addition. Eureka.

14tfn GIBSON 6-STRING Melodymaker COLLEGE STUDENTS, male and electric guitar and amp. Good female, for summer work, in- condition. $100. Ernest Sancken. ouire about our scholarshiD fund.

467-3438. 22t2p r. SOYBEAN Cleaning and Inoculation. Call for appointment Min-onk Milling Co. 432-2722 (309).

13tfn Electrolux Corporation, 711 Main In Peoria, 873-5139. 21t3n COOK WANTED Club 116, Roanoke. 923-5701. 14tfn NOTICE Try our delicious cheese Dellco Swiss, Cheddar, Brick ftilbv. and Blue.

Rocke Apia rtes. 1 mile west of Eureka. 12tfn HELP WANTED Curhles for AAW, Eureka. Apply Friday, 9 between 9 and 2. 23tlp COOK WANTED For 1967-6S school year.

Lambda Chi Aloha Fraternity for nnnrox. 20 "men. 4 WASHBURN Plumbing and Heating, 102 S. Jefferson, Washburn. Ph.

248-7024, 923-7084 or 923-3301. Serving Washburn and Roanoke area. lltfn NOTICE For white rock or road gravel for drives, call John Keller and Sons. Phone 7-3221. ltfn 1 on Ford Galaxie 500 Hardtops with ail these 'Better Idea' extras vinyl trim, whitewaiis, wheel covers.

Save on SelectShift, power options- AUCTION SERVICE. Clarke Pink-ham, Benson, HI. Ph. 394-2473. 8tfn FIRMER Experienced, for small horse farm near Chicago.

Good salary, small apartment, utilities. Contact: H. D. Demon, Route 2, Lake Zurick, Illinois Phone: (312) 3E 8-6251. with V-8 engine options.

WE MANUFACTURE and Install concrete septic tanks. Also sep-tlo tank and cesspool cleaning A Concrete Products. Phon 7, Washburn. TJ1. Sltfrt 10 nrvils week.

SI'O nr month Contact Chuck Schtid, 467-3f 312 E. Leo. 23t2n HELP WANTED: Salesladies! Earn up to $2.65 an hour. Work one hour a day. Start today.

Immediate training given. Write Box 432 Roanoke. 22t5n PAINTING and paperhanglng. Bob Adams, phone 30 Secor, or Harold Golden, phone 467-3320, Eureka. 37tfn -V WAS! T0C1 0WH CAI GO KLEEN 2ScCeli-0t CAR WASH (Wui youi ncsrz.

too) X. el Wufcich Tnuce Statin S1TI OX TBI Will Bare your car alined "THE BEAR PRECISION WIT" Phone 7-2422 for appointment on Mustang Sports Sprint Convertible with an these "Better Idea' extras Sport car i-ttiiiS-up Kit. wheel covers, morel 4 4 4 4 .4 AL'CTIO: Ererr Thursday Sight 7:00 p. o. Come register for Door Prizes hi raw utotccz ircnci Tm, ClisoU II You're filannina a linn ELTON I.

UUUCS Etaaanh JMAtrum. uuuch. jr. Bvtdti Ar-H Poor 4rJ4r FOR RENT TUXEDOS and all formal wear Beit fit lowest prices OTTO WAGNER EureLa MAKGOLD ROD Life Insurance and Aaauitii, Accident and Sickness Hospital asd Croup Insurance Z. I.

Skill ASSOCIATES, Central lgrnt a 9 ult, liaandog nov erailable. Mesas dollars more for tout 125 S. MAIN EUREKA, ILLINOIS If Tou ire Interested In aa A-l TJsed Cu Be rare end See Tour Ford Dealer THS I machinery. Information writ lit TeHer, flittta Park. in.

atiomai lall Uiitguiet ceipurr.

Woodford County Journal from Eureka, Illinois (2024)


Woodford County Journal from Eureka, Illinois? ›

Eureka is a small city of Illinois in the United States. In 2020, 5,227 people lived there. Eureka College, a place where Abraham Lincoln spoke and where Ronald Reagan graduated, is in Eureka. Eureka was started in 1855.

What is Eureka, IL famous for? ›

Eureka is a small city of Illinois in the United States. In 2020, 5,227 people lived there. Eureka College, a place where Abraham Lincoln spoke and where Ronald Reagan graduated, is in Eureka. Eureka was started in 1855.

How old is Eureka, Illinois? ›

History. Eureka was originally laid out as Walnut Grove in 1855. The name was changed to Eureka because of a naming conflict with another Walnut Grove.

What towns are in Woodford County Illinois? ›

District 1 includes Clayton, Greene, El Paso, Kansas, Linn, Minonk, Roanoke, Palestine, and Panola Townships; District 2 includes Cazenovia, Partridge, Spring Bay, and Worth Townships; and District 3 includes Cruger, Metamora, Montgomery, and Olio Townships.

What president lived in Eureka, Illinois? ›

In 1928, future president of the United States, Ronald Reagan began attending Eureka and he graduated in 1932. He maintained a close connection with the college for the rest of his life. In 2010, Eureka College was designated as a national historic district by the National Park Service.

Is Eureka, IL a good place to live? ›

Living in Eureka offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. Many families, young professionals, and retirees live in Eureka and residents tend to be conservative. The public schools in Eureka are highly rated.

What did Ronald Reagan study at Eureka College? ›

Ronald Reagan graduated from Eureka College in 1932 with a degree in economics and sociology but his heart never left the values of his small Midwestern college.

What is the history of Woodford County? ›

History. The county was formed from a part of Fayette County, Virginia in 1788. It was named for William Woodford, an American Revolutionary War general from Virginia who died while a prisoner of war in 1780. It was the last of the original nine counties established that formed the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 1792.

How old do you have to be to go to Eureka? ›

Eureka! is an extraordinary fun-packed day out for kids aged 0-11. We have six unique zones to discover, each filled with hundreds of interactive exhibits designed to inspire enquiring minds to find out about themselves and the world around them.

What is the old fashioned town in Illinois? ›

Galena is an Illinois favorite. About three hours west of Chicago, this city just off the Mississippi River is famous for its rich history, 19th-century buildings, boutique shopping and restaurants.

What is the most central town in Illinois? ›

A small monument to this effect has been erected in a park near the southwest corner of Melvin Street and East Olive street (in §34 T19N R1W). However, the exact center of Illinois is about eight miles southwest of Chestnut, and on the other side of the town of Mount Pulaski, at 89°18.4'W 40°0.8'N.

What is the main town in Illinois? ›


What is the City of Eureka known for? ›

Though it's best known as a gateway to the Redwoods, Eureka is also well-known for its quaint, Victorian architecture throughout its downtown core, creative artistic community, and many great shops and restaurants downtown.

Why is Eureka Springs famous? ›

The town was founded back in July of 1879 and was known for the legend of its great healing spring. Visitors would flock to the area to experience the healing waters of the Basin Spring. Because the word spread so quickly of the springs healing powers, Eureka Springs became Arkansas 4th largest city by the end of 1881.

What is the Eureka Tower famous for? ›

The installation was created by Richard Stringer and Nonda Katsalidis, and was complete in December 2007. When measured either by the height of its roof, or by the height of its highest habitable floor, Eureka Tower was the tallest residential building in the world when completed.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.